The Pink Rose Bliss Bouquet features enchanting pink roses nestled in a pristine white Stanley Cup vase, radiating elegance and charm. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions or adding a touch of romance to any setting.
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers in various parts of the country. Care is taken to maintain the style, theme and color scheme of the arrangement, using flowers of equal value. Additionally, the substitution of certain keepsake items may be necessary due to increased demand, especially during major holidays. In single-flower arrangements, such as an all rose bouquet, or orchids, we will make every attempt to match the flower type, but may substitute with another color.
If you have specific instructions for the delivery of your gift bouquet, please note them in the Special Instructions field during checkout. In all other cases, if the recipient is not at home when we attempt delivery, we will either:
- Call the recipient to schedule an appropriate delivery time
- Leave a note on the recipient's door asking them to contact the florist to schedule a delivery time
- Leave the arrangement in a covered, secure area of the home (porch, garage, or other entrance)
- Leave the gift bouquet with a neighbor and place a message on the recipient's door with this information